Hot weather has just begun and already incidents of dogs being left in cars with windows slightly ajar or completely closed, are reported in newspapers nationwide. It is a seasonal tragedy that dogs and even children are left in cars, sometimes suffering irreparable brain and organ damage, or death. In spite of constant media and animal welfare reminders, the reoccurrence is stunning. On even a moderately hot day, temperatures inside of a vehicle can rise very quickly. Dogs have few options to cool their bodies, their tongues and their feet, and dehydrate very quickly. Often they are left while owners run frivolous errands. Although it is encouraged to include our dogs in as many everyday activities, their health and welfare must be the primary consideration. Dogs are often stolen from unattended vehicles as well . . . another danger to consider for your traveling companion . . .
Make sure the only “hot dogs” you have this summer are on the barbecue grill.
Tags: cars, dog, health, heat, puppies, saftey, travel